Why Join AAPI?

Become a Member

The American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (AAPI) is the largest ethnic medical organization in the United States and represents the interests of more than 60,000 physicians and about 15,000 medical students/residents of Indian heritage in the country. AAPI is an umbrella organization which has over 150 local chapters, specialty societies and alumni organizations. For over 30 years, Indian physicians have made significant contributions to health care in this country, not only practicing in inner cities, rural areas and peripheral communities but also at the top medical schools and other academic centers. Almost 10%-12% of medical students entering US schools are of Indian origin.

Here are some good reasons to join us:

  • Our strength is in being together.

  • AAPI provides a tool for alumni to renew old friendship and contact with colleagues from many medical schools in India.

  • Members enjoy alumni meetings, reunions and programs while earning CME credits and networking among professional colleagues.

  • A completely renovated website will allow alumni to interact with their colleagues, re-establish friendships, make new friends, sign up for alumni events, and keep up-to-date with whatever new is happening with this large group of physicians with common interest.

  • Professional help from colleagues may be just a click away at our new website.

  • Politically inspired physician have a chance to run for various offices and show their leadership talent as well as their commitment to the organization and its goals.

  • Young physicians can look for information and support from more matured members during their transitions from medical student, to residency, to fellowship and into establishing a new private or academic practice.

  • If you are at a stage that you wish to give back to your community and the country, AAPI may provide an organized platform to make things easier for you.

  • Best of all, you will find many like-minded people within AAPI.

In addition, AAPI will continue to support its members and make a positive impact on healthcare in the United States and abroad as it has done over the past 30 years being involved in many projects some outlined below:

  • Managed Care: AAPI developed a policy statement on managed care expressing the concerns of its members. The policy statement was distributed to legislators, policy-making bodies and medical societies. AAPI was also instrumental in the development of HR 3009, The Health Care Consumer Protection Act in the 105th Congress.

  • Physician Workforce/Graduate Medical Education: AAPI developed a policy statement on Graduate Medical Education at the invitation of the American Medical Association. A representative of AAPI testified at an open hearing on physician workforce sponsored by the AMA in 1996, affirming AAPI’s position supporting a merit-based system of allocating GME funds.

  • AMA-IMG Section: AAPI lobbied intensely for the creation of an International Medical Graduates (IMG) section in the AMA. This Section, created in December 1996, advocates on behalf of IMGs and provides representation to the AMA House of Delegates. This achievement is further testimony of AAPI’s growing credibility and influence in organized medicine.

  • Legislative Affairs: AAPI has made great strides in the legislative arena. AAPI’s Legislative Office in Washington, DC working closely with the Executive Committee has spearheaded the effort to represent physicians of Indian origin on Capitol Hill. AAPI focuses on managed care, physician workforce/GME and licensure reciprocity. The Legislative Office also serves as a primary contact for public health groups and organized medicine. AAPI is an active participant in several coalitions including the Effective National Action to Control Tobacco (ENACT) coalition and the Intercultural Cancer Council.

  • Working with other IMG (International Medical Graduates) Organizations: AAPI has taken a leadership role in working with other IMG groups. By working in coalition with other IMG organizations, we will be more effective advocates on behalf of our members.

  • Continuing Medical Education (CME): CME contributes to the professional growth of our members. AAPI offers excellent CME programs in the US and India. In addition to educational activities in USA, each year, many CME programs are held in India in collaboration with the Medical Council of India.